Dear Student,
The faculty and staff here at the PBA College of the Arts Summer Intensives are busy making all of the necessary preparations for your arrival. We have many exciting things planned for this session and anticipate this to be our best year yet!
We have put together this packet for you in order to help you prepare for your time here so that you will be able to come fully prepared so please read carefully. I would encourage you to practice very hard on your current material and repertoire assigned to you by your private teacher. You should come with something at performance level and additional material to work on and perfect during the session.
Based on the experience of students from previous sessions we know that you will grow both musically and personally more than you imagine possible. We are anxiously awaiting your arrival and the beginning of this year’s summer Academy. If you have any further questions or concerns please feel free to call me at 561-803-2407 or e-mail me at [email protected].
Patrick Clifford
Commuter Checklist
□ Instrument
□ Any supplies associated with your instrument (reeds, etc.)
□ Music
□ Snack money
□ Metronome
□ Umbrella
□ Book to read
□ Liability Form (See below)